
Showing posts from 2019

Uncompromised Critical Care Centres in Salem Round the Clock

Critical Care Centres in Salem When Should U Go To ER? Do Not Ignore The Potentially Serious Symptoms         Most of the times, it is obvious that a situation can be an emergency and sometimes it may be not. In the heat of the moment, when the health of someone you know rests on your decision, then how do you go about it? We at Sree Vasantham hospitals understand your dilemma.         Conversations with patients reveal so much more to visit an  Emergency care in Salem  because they do not wish to admit that something is wrong. They try to downplay potentially serious symptoms because they do not wish to be at risk being called a hypochondriac or anyone wasting time to find out if something is not serious.        Of course, we respect and appreciate that families do not wish to unnecessarily wish to waste time or resources, it is better to get to the emergency room and have the reassurance that the issue may not be that serious and then discover it to be the opposite.

Here's What People Are Saying About Snake Bite And How To Take Precautionary Care.

Poison Treatment Hospital in Salem Snake bites are a well-known occupational hazard amongst farmers, plantation workers and other outdoor workers with results that are morbid and mortality that is challenging. Morbid and challenging because though statistics show a rise in the incidence of snake bites, victims initially approach traditional healers or treatment and many do not even approach a hospital for treating the wound. What are snake bites? Snakes are distributed throughout most of the earth's surface and most of the Snakes bite either to capture prey or in self-defense. Snakes inject venom using their modified salivary glands. Venom is nothing but a modified form of saliva that is probably evolved to aid in chemical digestion. Varying degrees of toxicity makes it useful in killing prey. Snakes can control the amount of venom they discharge. Some of the bites can be labelled as "dry" and only 50% - 70% of venomous snake bites can result in envenoming or